Please click the following link to view the Curriculum overview for Design and Technology
We believe homework to be a valuable and necessary part of a child’s learning. It not only enhances students’ learning capabilities and skills but also prepares them for the demands of their future career through self-led learning and the meeting of deadlines. Homework at Key Stage 3 is set as a unit for each subject strand and will mean students spend approximately 1 hour per week on two subject areas; although this may sometimes be more dependent on its relevancy to current class work. At Key Stages 4 and 5 students can expect to receive at least 1 to 2 hours of homework per week, the majority of which will rely on independent research and study. Homework is due in to subject teachers by the deadlines set in order that work can be marked and feedback given to aid student progress.
Students must be prepared for their Design and Technology lessons in the production of a pen, pencil, ruler and rubber as a bare minimum. Students would also benefit from having coloured pens/pencils and a fine line marker pen. Students can purchase the equipment from the department but minimum expectations for equipment must be observed.
At Key Stage 3 pupils are provided with pre-weighed ingredients for £1.00 per practical Food studies lesson and of course are free to take food home with them at the end of the day. Students are also charged a nominal fee of £5.00 per academic year to cover the cost of resources used in Product Design, Graphic Products and Electronic Products. This fee is due at the beginning of an academic year and ensures students can take their innovative final products home at the end of a unit.