Microsoft Teams and Remote Learning

Remote Learning at St Margaret Ward Catholic Academy takes place on Microsoft Teams and can be accessed through your school email account.  Please click on the following link to view instructions on using Teams: Student Guide to Teams

A copy of our Remote learning Policy can be found here Home and Remote Learning Policy 2022

Our guide to remote education provision for parents can be found here Providing remote education: information to parents

If a student is in school and requires a password reset, they should speak to their form tutor.

If a student is at home and requires a password reset, a parent or guardian should email this email address to request a password reset: This email address is monitored during school hours and so you will not receive a response in the evening or at weekends.

After they are given the new password, they should go here (LINK to change their password before they attempt to log on at home.

If you are experiencing technical difficulties, such as error messages on Teams or the app crashing, please email from either the student’s school email address or the parent’s email address. Students must not email the school from their own personal email account (e.g. Gmail).

We have also created a helpful video to watch at home.  Watch as Miss Fallows guides you through Teams in more detail.  This can be found below: