School Council


The Academy Council is a very active and dynamic group of students who meet regularly in school to provide a voice for the students of St Margaret Ward Catholic Academy

There are 14 students in the Academy Council and they represent each of the year groups  (3 in Year 7 ; 2 in Year 8 ; 1 in Year 9 ; 4 in Year 10 and 4 in Year 11 (2 of which are on the senior prefect team) .

All of the students have been selected through a democratic process and understand that they have a very important part to play in the life of the school. The students provide feedback to Mr Johnson (Vice Principal) and Miss Eardley (Staff representative) on the student’s opinions and provide them with ideas on how they can improve the school and make it a better place for everyone. This information is then fed back to Mr McKenna and the Senior Leadership Team.

Last year (2017/18) the Academy Council focused on issues relating to mental health and well-being as well as respect and equality.  This year (2018/19) will be focussing on all issues relating to Internet safety and safe use of technology. The Academy Council love to get involved in supporting school events and school life and want to be excellent role models for all students in the school.

Each year the Academy Councils from all of the 9 Collegiate schools meet to hold a 1 day conference on an identified theme.