Tuesday 5th December marked the first show of the Drama department’s annual Christmas production.
This year just under 50 students from our school’s after school Drama club have been working on a production of The Snow Queen.
Students have not only undertaken acting roles but have taken responsibility for writing scenes, directing their peers, designing and operating the sound and lighting for each show, alongside developing their theatrical make up skills.
The Snow Queen will be performed to 285 of our feeder primary students, across five performances. After each performance the Year 3 students will be led by the cast in a range of Snow Queen related activities, including storytelling and face painting! Alongside the early matinee performances, there will also be two evening performances for family, carers and friends.
This year’s production has been a collaborative affair, with Miss Terry from Art leading her art club in designing and making snowflakes for the elaborate set, with additional help from our wonderful librarian Miss Holdcroft also enabling students to craft snowflakes, before and after school.
Wishing all our wonderful cast a very successful 7 show run. Thank you to Mrs Skinner for photographing the dress rehearsal.
Miss O’Neill